Monday 4 February 2013

Lady, Love Your Commodore

I know this is going to sound terribly limiting in terms of writing about computer & video games, but try as I might, I can't seem to get that excited about anything other than Commodore's ancient 8 bit powerhouse, the C64.  Doesn't matter what system it is, I can't seem to find any satisfaction from using an emulator for anything other than the C64.  I will confess that I am partial to the odd excursion onto Vic 20 & C16/Plus 4 emulation, but beyond that...............

Spectrum?  I did have a decent library of stuff on emu for the Speccy, but there always seemed to be something missing.  There was always that weird sort of ennui playing those games.  Every visit to the home of a childhood friend was re-lived.  The monochrome, the bleepy sound & colour clash, too much getting my ass kicked on 2 player games.....

Amstrad?  ROFL! LOL! PSML!  No offence....

Atari?  Very similar to the C64 in style & game content up until about 1988.  Also, not exactly a hotbed of homebrew activity.  That said, the recent Atari 8 bit Space Harrier conversion is to die shagging for.........

Amiga/ST?  Love them, just can't be bothered with the complex emulation.

Consoles?  Do we have to mention these idiots?

 OK, this is where we get to the crux of the matter.  It's about what you owned or what you played most.  I had a C64 & played a lot of Amiga, Speccy & ST games.  If all you owned was a Megadrive, it's unlikely you'd re-visit Amiga games & vice versa.  Some folk (Games mag journos in the main) will be able to attest to a love of a huge number of games over a range of machines, but for most of us, our gaming allegiances are based upon what we owned.

I owned a C64.  It's what I remember with affection.  It's what I will, in the main, write about here.  Problem?

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